Filtering by Category: Ministry

Women of Faith

So this weekend I met the AMAZING Natalie Grant! Can I just say, when I grow up, I would love to be half as inspirational as she is! Here's our photo:

I appreciate so much how her energy and spirit points me towards God. Her music is so uplifting, and her heart for teen girls is incredible! She was not the only musical guest at Women of Faith, we also enjoyed the praise and dance mix of Nicole C. Mullen. My favorite trip down memory lane however, was Sandi Patty. She not only still has one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard, but she also shared an amazing testimony filled with imagery of how she (as many females do) had layered herself hiding from the world who she really was. I'm sure you can read more about it if you would like in her book.

Not only did the music refresh me, but also I have a new role model... PASTY CLAIRMONT!

What a ball of energy and an amazing proclaimer of God's word! The way she mixes humor with her message was incredible... and I swear I think she was wearing Chuck Taylor's... any who... you should check part of what I heard. First off, I say all the time that I pick friends who aren't of many words, so I can fill in the blanks! Just like her! But I was just so encouraged because lately in my ministry I haven't felt like I've not exactly the right words to say, what words to speak, like I too could not find my voice. So I'm waiting for Him to give me the words, to broaden my view!

After doing this Friday and Saturday I was so encouraged. I booked a group of 20 something tickets for our church for next year, November 6-7. I also am so excited that my Bible Study partner, Keelie Begley, and I are planning a retreat for the young women of our church in January. I really just felt God speaking not only to refresh me this weekend, but to say that THIS is what Eastside needs, a ministry that refreshes women like this weekend did for me, and it shouldn't just be once a year, so I hope the weekend in January will be a jumping off point for us to really become women who don't just deepen our love for friends but our love for God.

Messed Up

Do you ever have something happen to you that causes you to be completely distracted from all you need to be focused on? Well... I've had that going on for the past few days now, weeks really. I feel like I have no direction, I'm getting my MDiv but I don't know what I'm called to, it was just clear to me that God wanted me to get my MDiv so I could be prepared for whatever ministry he led me to. Sometimes I wonder if Children's Ministry is all I'm supposed to do, or is there something more? Not that I don't love the children, I do, but there are other things that I thought God has given me as strengths that I don't get to use now.

I have so much work for school, and I can't get motivated to do it. I might be going through a blue time, who knows. I definitely had those in college, but things have been said and have happened that could be a good cause of being down, so I don't know whether I'm just reacting to what's going on in life or if I should go see someone about this. Who knows.

I want to go back to high school... ha- good luck with that though.