Do you ever have something happen to you that causes you to be completely distracted from all you need to be focused on?
Well... I've had that going on for the past few days now, weeks really. I feel like I have no direction, I'm getting my MDiv but I don't know what I'm called to, it was just clear to me that God wanted me to get my MDiv so I could be prepared for whatever ministry he led me to. Sometimes I wonder if Children's Ministry is all I'm supposed to do, or is there something more? Not that I don't love the children, I do, but there are other things that I thought God has given me as strengths that I don't get to use now.
I have so much work for school, and I can't get motivated to do it. I might be going through a blue time, who knows. I definitely had those in college, but things have been said and have happened that could be a good cause of being down, so I don't know whether I'm just reacting to what's going on in life or if I should go see someone about this. Who knows.
I want to go back to high school... ha- good luck with that though.
I've picked up a side job, I'm going to be an AVID tutor for Shelby Middle and High School. I'm so excited about it! AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and is designed for the middle portion of students who could be college bound but are often overlooked. The neat part for me is that it is not your normal form of tutoring. I will be tutoring a group of seven kids who will work collaberatively to find the answers to the qestions they have and I will be guiding them to the solution!
I can't wait to see how it goes, I'll let you know how it goes!
So here's the sand castle Thomas and I built on Tuesday. It's pretty fabulous, only the moat kept drinking up the water, so it's empty.
Today we went to La Belle Amie, a vineyard in Little River, SC which puts out some good stuff. We had a fun time and got some great supplies for a good mulling spice cider.
This thing was as you entered:
The awesome sign as you drive in:
Us at the wine tasting!
It's been a great few days, the only problem is that we have to leave on Saturday and I haven't done any homework. But what a true sabbath this week has been! Thank you God, we both needed this.