Happy Birthday to One Who Stole my Heart!

Tomorrow is my niece's fifth birthday. I have to say, she is by far one of the most precious
blessings in my life.
From the moment we met...

I have been amazed at how wonderfully God created her. She lights up a room
when she's in it. I love that even from an early age I could see my influence on her...

(Note: She is already making the Wolfpack hand sign at four months old)
You see, it's because of this precious little girl that I joyfully embrace the name "TT"
After all...
Who could resist these out-stretched arms!
Over the years, I've regretted not getting to spend as much time with her as I would like. She grew up so quickly.

So happy birthday Alana Jordan Proctor! I love you to the moon and back! You are more precious to me than the day I met you!
Love- TT


Over the next few weeks I'm going to try to glean from my friend Amy Haywood what this whole blogging thing is about and how I can appropriately use this venue. She's pretty smart, so I think it will make it simple.

What do you think of my header? The words at the bottom are a little hard to read, but other than that I'm pretty fond of it.

Health Care

So, I am the first to admit I do not read. I do not know a lot of what goes on around the world because I often do not read the news. However, I have recently seen the persons I am friends with and follow through social media make uneducated or simply inappropriate comments on health care.

I say these comments I have seen are inappropriate because they make claims that are untrue or are focused on the law makers and not the bill. I understand that our government officials are far from perfect, they are after all human like us, however I prefer to focus on the good that is coming, and I believe will come from this stepping stone for health care. I call it a stepping stone because I think much reform will continue to occur based off of this bill.

Just this once, I am going to read. I encourage you to do the same if you haven't because I believe it will help us all to know what is in the health care bill and how it will help those in our communities and maybe even us. A good starting place for reading on the bill is the White House's website.