What do you call it?
Missing High/Low
I must admit, I am loving my new position as Director of Christian Education for Children in Tallahassee. Last week during mid-week activities I got to spend time with the elementary aged group, getting to know them. They were so energetic and excited to begin bonding. This week, during mid-week activities, I spend time with our 3-5 year olds. We learned about Joseph's coat, that God was with him and is with us still. I enjoyed getting to know each little person and their quirks and am excited to watch them grow in relationship with God and just plain grow up!
However, the past two Wednesday nights, I've been missing something from my Cola life. I've been missing high/low. My campus minister introduced high/low in my life when I was in college (I'm pretty sure she got it from a movie). Ever since then I have carried it in my bag of tricks. One of my highlights as Minister of Student at SABC was getting to touch base as a group with each student present on Wednesday night. We would take turns, going around the circle sharing the best and worst thing about our week.
I miss that... A LOT!
So, my low for this week was not getting to share high/low with anyone. My high for this week is continuing to connect with new friends here at Faith.
What's your high/low?