I'm Not the King
**Over a year ago I wrote a post, What is "Songs of my Faith?" with the intent of beginning an every Friday blog series. If you didn't read the article, which is an explanation for this post, stop now and do it. And finally 19 months later the series begins!**
If you knew me in high school you knew that I LOVED contemporary Christian music, but there was one group that was head and shoulders above the rest for me, Audio Adrenaline. In fact, I loved the group so much that one year as a gift my parents bought me a membership to their fan club and from then on I was an "Adrenaline Junkie." My deep fanaticism began with Audio A thanks to my sister Kathryn. One year she came home from a Fuge camp singing one of their songs and my life was forever changed (I'll blog about that song another week). I liked them so much that when our big sister Kristen came home from college, I may have pillaged her CD collection to procure my first Audio A album, Bloom. (Sorry about that Kristen. I may have also taken a Clay Cross, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Mariah Carey, and a Boys2Men CDs. Looking at it now, you had to have known, I mean it was a lot of CDs.)
For me the Bloom album was incredible because it was rock music about God! I fell in love with all the tracks, but in particular my e-mail namesake "I'm not the King" (yes, my first e-mail address was imnottheking@msn.com). The song has plenty of pop culture references that I did not get as a 9th grader (Jim Morrison as the lizard king for one), but I completly understood the message that we are lacking without Christ. "I am not anything, without the King of Kings, Oh yea!"
Today as I listen to the song it makes me nostalgic but I also find encouragement. Some struggle with the idea of king imagery for Christ because of the kingdom/crusade imagery that can be found all throughout history. However, the lyrics speak so beautifully to why I am comfortable calling Christ our King, "A king is someone to trust and love, like the King of Kings, that I sing of."