A Taste of Tallahasee
This summer Thomas and I traveled with his parents back to Sweden. (Yes, back! Thomas took me to Stockholm in 2006 and proposed. I know, I have the best engagement story ever, but we'll have to save that for another post.) We really wanted to take a host gift for our friends, but didn't want it to just be something without thought. So, after much searching we found these cute little plates. They're about the size of dessert plate and all around them are images of Tallahassee and the surrounding area. I thought it would be neat if over the next few weeks I posted images of my experience with said locations/activities. That way, you can get a taste of Tallahassee. So, I hope you'll come back every week or so to journey with me through our city.
In case you can't tell, here's a list of the places mentioned on the plate:
- Historic State Capitol
- Maclay State Gardens
- Canopy Roads
- Tallahassee Museum
- Goodwood Museum
- Dorothy B. Oven Park
- St. Marks Lighthouse
- The Challenger Center
- (Nondescript football player)
- Live Oaks
- Appalachicola National Forrest
- Mary Brogan Museum
- Wakulla Springs
- Mission San Luis
- LeMoyne